We are sellers of essential goods such as Face Masks and Bandanas!

USA Designed Products is:
We are sellers of essential Goods such as Face Masks and Bandanas. We also sell a variety of other products for pets, Airbnb, the home and traveling. Thee items include LED lights or Bicycles as well as Electric Bikes.
Operating for many years, we are an established online retailer based between New Jersey and the picturesque brownstones of Brooklyn, New York. We have been in operation for more than a decade, specializing in selling a large assortment of affordable and unique products. These products include pet supplies, gifts, eyewear, bandanas, animal themed face masks. Additionally we have specialty items, such as our line of Burning Man essentials, or our Airbnb products.
We, at USA Designed Products, take special pride in the fact that many of our items cannot be found anywhere else. Our products are patented and created in-house. Our brand USA Designed Products also holds exclusive rights to our Bearly Beautiful products. Additionally we can offer special deals on our Proguard Pets products.
Our founder David Dietz founded USA Designed Products as a way of highlighting that America’s greatest strength still lies in it’s ability to innovate with new and exciting products. Keep returning to USADesignedProducts.com to find new items at steep discounts!
Our company USA Designed Products is the main distributor for our Puppy Party franchise. Puppy Party offers pet themed face masks, pet pillows, bandanas, car headrest pillows, pet themed hairties, headbands as well as pet printed purses. Looking for other items relating to the love we have for our pets? both dogs and cats? Puppy Party has it! Stemming from a 40 yr owned business called Puppy Paradise, the Puppy Party base is located on Flatbush Ave in Brooklyn, NY. From this experience we are veterans in finding the need and creating great products for the pets we love!
Enough about us! Now let’s enjoy life!